By Suma Varughese The quest for happiness has taken mankind on many strange journeys. Many have arrived at destinations never imagined or sought. We lose our way frequently and end up with regrets and sorrow. […]
German researchers have finally concluded their 15 year long research aimed at examining spouses’ happiness levels. They were able to determine that marriage does not really improve one’s life. It has been noted that on […]
Everyone wants to be happy, right? Wrong, says Ed Diener, a psychologist in the emerging field of “subjective well-being”– a professor of happiness in all but name–at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He’s found […]
By Marina Krakovsky — Choosing between a new sweater and a pair of concert tickets? Buy the tickets, suggests a new study on whether our spending habits are likely to make us happy. Summary: Why […]
Can We Cultivate Our Own Happiness? Â If you want to be happy, forget about winning the lottery, getting a nose job, or securing a raise. In his new book, Â Authentic Happiness, psychologist Martin Seligman argues […]
Smiling can improve your mood. When you smile, you draw more air through your nose and restrict blood vessels in your face. This cools the sinuses, which cools the blood flowing through the hypothalamus, the […]
Democritus, (460?-370? BC) Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold, the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul. Aristotle To live happily is an inward power of the soul. Sharon Salzberg It doesn’t […]
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