Johann Christoph Arnold Excerpted from Why Forgive?, available FREE in e-book format. Without being forgiven, released from the consequences of what we have done, our capacity to act would, as it were, be confined […]
Quoting Mahabharata, the great Indian epic, Duryodhana, a character from the epic, is the epitome of depression: both internal and external. By Anupama Bhattacharya for Lifepositive magazine Understanding depression, which in the age of anxiety […]
Emotion has been defined as a particular psychological state of feeling, such as fear, anger, joy, and sorrow. The feeling often includes action tendencies and tends to trigger certain perceptual and cognitive processes. Most experts […]
The following text is the exact text of the entry ‘Emotion, Human’ in the Encyclopaedia Britannica CD 98. Copyright Encyclopaedia Britannica 1994-1998 any of a number of extremely complex phenomena that are a synthesis of […]
Using Aristotle’s system of causal explanation, the 16th-century British philosopher John Rainolds defined emotion as follows: the efficient cause of emotions is God, who implanted them; the material cause is good and evil human things; […]
In academic discussions of the functions of emotions the focus is usually on the phenomenological, or experiential, aspect of emotions. For purposes of this discussion, however, the functions of emotions are examined in terms of […]
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